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The harbor of Alexandria (etching, det.). 18th c. Athens, Private Collection. - CC BY-NC-SA


Mapping the Past

Welcome to Periplus!

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Periplus is a term derived from Greek, signifying circumnavigation, i.e. a voyage around a landmass. Beyond its literal meaning, it also referred to ancient books that provided navigational instructions for sailors. These texts included crucial details such as landmarks, safe harbors, and other maritime insights to aid in seafaring.

The Periplus Project is composed of three distinct but interconnected components:

Periplus Atlas          Periplus Logos         Periplus App

1. The Periplus Atlas: is one of the most detailed interactive digital maps, depicting ancient landscapes based on information from ancient Greek and Latin texts up until Late Antiquity. It serves as a useful research and educational tool for visualizing historical geography.

2. Periplus Logos. This project focuses on meticulously cataloging every geographical mention found in ancient Greek and Latin literature. The ambition is to create an exhaustive gazetteer of ancient geographical terms from these texts. These identified locations are to be marked with geo-tags, seamlessly integrating with the Periplus Atlas. Furthermore, through the utilization of Wikidata IDs, these references will be directly linked to Wikipedia, enriching the contextual understanding of these terms.

3. The Periplus App: This App allows users to interactively engage with ancient texts. Users can add geo-tags to the texts and easily pinpoint locations on the Periplus Atlas. Moreover, it facilitates the automatic generation of HTML pages. These pages feature dynamic and navigable hyperlinks embedded within the ancient texts and their modern translations.

Together, these modules of Periplus aim to enhance our understanding of ancient geography, making it more accessible and interactive for both academic and public exploration.