Periplus Logo


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Iliad VIII 245-253 in cod F205, Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana - PDM 1.0


Text collections

Available Texts
Anonymous, Periplus Maris Erythraei
Texts in preparation
(Pseudo-)Skylax, Periplous
Anonymous, Stadiasmus Maris Magni (Stadiasmus of the Great Sea)
Strabo, Geography

Claudius Ptolemy, Geographia (Geography)


Periplous Logo

The Periplus Logos project is dedicated to meticulously analyzing all ancient Greek and Latin texts to identify and catalogue references to geographic entities. These references, marked as geo-tags, are directly linked to the Periplus Atlas. In addition, these geo-tags will be connected to Wikipedia through Wikidata.

The textual analysis is carried out meticulously by our team members, rather than relying on the use of dictionaries and automated algorithms. Through careful examination of the texts, we can accurately tag also the indirect mentions of geographic terms. Given the intricate nature of this work, it is inherently time-intensive. Our initial focus within the corpus of Greek texts is on those with geographic content. While these texts may not capture the broad public interest as readily as others, this deliberate choice serves a strategic purpose: to augment the Periplus Atlas. By accurately identifying a wide range of settlements, man-made structures, and natural geographical features, our goal is to significantly improve the map's detail and enhance its precision in recreating historical landscapes.